

Frequency Coach & Leadership Mentor

It's time to reach your untapped potential


As a Frequency Coach and Leadership Mentor, I inspire driven individuals to raise their energetic frequency and take charge of their lives and businesses.

Through mindset work and strategic guidance, I help clients break through barriers, significantly boost their income, and achieve true time freedom, unlocking their full potential and creating abundant success in all areas.


Hi I'm Alexis Jane
Everything changed when I became a single mom to my daughter Zoe. Seeing her pure love was my wake-up call - I had to heal myself to be the role model she deserved.
I dived into personal growth through coaching, workshops, and books on mindset and self-love. Peeling back layers of limiting beliefs was vulnerable yet life-changing.
The biggest breakthrough was looking inward instead of seeking validation. I learned to trust my intuition, set boundaries, and own my desires. I re-parented myself with the compassion I'd craved.
Today, my self-worth is unshakeable. My value isn't dictated by achievements or opinions - it's an infinite well. From this grounded self-love, I show up fully as a mother, mentor, and badass woman.
For years, I battled insecurities and self-doubt that kept me playing small. Growing up, I buried my emotions and downplayed my worth. This carried into adulthood where I constantly dismissed my needs.

How ALEXIS JANE Can Help You

I guide go-getters!
As a Frequency Coach and Leadership Mentor, I guide go-getters to raise their energetic frequency and operate as the CEO of their life and business. Through mindset work and strategy, we break through limitations so they can create abundant realities.
My Specialty
My specialty is showing clients how to 10x their income while reclaiming time freedom. I release the blocks holding them back so they experience that beautiful state of flow. Together, we tap into their inner power and align their actions with their vision.
With my support, clients develop the confidence and skills to become unstoppable leaders in their field. I create a safe space for them to uplevel and let their true abundance shine through - in business, wealth, relationships, all areas.

I'm that guiding force calling forth their radiant, empowered selves. My role is to empower leaders to finally embody their unstoppable, authentic essence.


Download Your FREE Sales Script Vault

A collection of high-converting sales scripts for different scenarios, including cold calls, follow-ups, and objections handling.


This 4 week Intensive is all about taking you on a profound journey to uplevel your life and business in a big way. It's an immersive experience where we will dive deep to transform your mindset, and master key strategies in sales, leadership, and marketing to take consistent aligned action.
This 12 week Expansive Program is designed to help you achieve massive results and breakthroughs in your business and life. It's all about taking focused action and implementing proven strategies to uplevel your success. 
This comprehensive 12-month program is designed to help you master the areas of sales, leadership, marketing and wealth creation for your business. For a full year, we will work together to transform your mindset, implement proven sales and marketing strategies, develop powerful leadership skills, and create sustainable wealth.
(Sydney Based or Online)
A VIP day with me is all about immersing yourself in a space of powerful transformation, gorgeous. It's an intimate, high-vibe experience designed to help you breakthrough to the next level in both life and business.


This 4 week Intensive is all about taking you on a profound journey to uplevel your life and business in a big way. It's an immersive experience where we will dive deep to transform your mindset, and master key strategies in sales, leadership, and marketing to take consistent aligned action.

Week 1
We get super clear on your vision for abundance and the goals you want to hit. What does true success look like for you? More income, more freedom, more impact? I'll guide you to tap into the desires that light you up.
Then we will do powerful mindset work to identify and release any limiting beliefs or blocks holding you back. Through coaching, visualisations and other practices, we will clear out the fears and doubts so you can start operating at a higher frequency.
Week 2
We map out your Radiant Blueprint - a customised plan for up-leveling your business and life. You'll get crystal clear on the practical habits and actions to align with your vision. I'll share my best strategies for sales, leadership, productivity and more.
Week 3 
Is all about embodying that next-level energy and consistent action. I'll support you in implementing your plan, while we keep doing mindset check-ins. You can expect tons of motivation, guidance and real-world tools from me.
Our final week together
We will review your progress, celebrate your wins, and get you set up for ongoing success. We will create a plan for you to keep upleveling independently.

Throughout our 4 weeks, you can expect me to bring a blend of spiritual wisdom, solid business smarts and plenty of fun! I'll be your coach, guide and cheerleader every step of the way.


This 12 week Expansive Program is designed to help you achieve massive results and breakthroughs in your business and life. It's all about taking focused action and implementing proven strategies to uplevel your success. 

We will start by getting laser focused on your big goals and visions for abundance.
What results do you want to create? More income, more clients, more freedom? We will get crystal clear on your targets. Then, through mindset coaching, we will identify and eliminate any limiting beliefs holding you back so you can operate from a place of total confidence.
From there, we will map out your personalised blueprint for hitting those big goals.
You'll get clear, practical action plans and daily habits to implement. I'll share my best strategies for areas like sales, marketing, productivity, leadership and more. You'll have a step-by-step roadmap for up-leveling your business.
Then it's time for massive action and accountability.
You'll take inspired steps every day to implement your blueprint. I'll provide motivation, guidance and real-time coaching to ensure you stay on track and overcome any obstacles. You can expect me to push you to new levels.
In our final weeks together, we will review all the incredible results you've created.
We will celebrate the wins, lock in your mindset shifts, and ensure you have the tools to keep levelling up independently. 

Throughout the whole 12 weeks, my focus will be on helping you take consistent action, embodying a success mindset, and implementing revenue-generating activities daily. You can expect real-world strategies, loving accountability, and a fun, high-vibe experience that gets you real results.


This comprehensive 12-month program is designed to help you master the areas of sales, leadership, marketing and wealth creation for your business. For a full year, we will work together to transform your mindset, implement proven sales and marketing strategies, develop powerful leadership skills, and create sustainable wealth.

In the first 3 months
We will focus on reprogramming your money mindset and developing the confidence of a leader. Through mindset coaching, we will release any limiting beliefs around wealth, sales, or self-worth that have been holding you back. You'll cultivate the energy and presence of an influential CEO.
The next 3 months 
Are dedicated to sales and marketing mastery. You'll get clear on your revenue goals and map out a personalised plan to hit those targets. I'll share my best sales strategies, marketing strategies and prospecting techniques to rapidly grow your income. You'll have a blueprint for consistent sales success.
In months 7-9
The emphasis shifts to leadership development. You'll implement systems and habits to step fully into your role as the visionary leader of your business. I'll coach you on team building, operations, strategic planning, and embodying a CEO mindset daily.
Then in the final 3
Months, we will integrate everything by focusing on wealth creation. You'll optimise your sales and marketing for maximum profits.

Throughout our year together, you can expect powerful coaching, real-world strategies, accountability and support. I'll bring a unique blend of spiritual principles, business acumen and plenty of motivation to help you embody the mindset of a successful, wealthy CEO and leader.


(Sydney Based or Online)

A VIP day with me is all about immersing yourself in a space of powerful transformation, gorgeous. It's an intimate, high-vibe experience designed to help you break through to the next level in both life and business.

We start the day by getting clear on your vision for abundance and the goals you want to achieve.
What does success look like for you right now? More income, more freedom, more impact? I'll guide you in tapping into the desires that light you up.
From there, we will dive deep into mindset and energy work.
Through coaching, visualisations and other practices, I'll help you identify and release any limiting beliefs or blocks that have been holding you back. We will clear out the fears and doubts so you can start operating at a higher frequency.
With your mindset primed for abundance, we will map out a customised blueprint for up-leveling your business and life.
You'll get crystal clear on the practical actions and habits to align with your vision. I'll share my best strategies for areas like sales, leadership, productivity and more.
Throughout our time together, I'll be your mentor, guide and cheerleader.
You can expect me to bring a beautiful blend of spiritual wisdom, real-world business smarts and plenty of fun! We will keep things light-hearted with laughter and playfulness.

By the end of our VIP day, you'll be overflowing with motivation, clarity and inspired action steps. You'll have the tools to start embodying your most radiant, abundant self right away.

Let's Talk About Lexi

Oh, my God. When I first started coaching with her, it was a struggle. I had never spent the kind of money on myself I had never invested in myself. And she really helped me understand how to shift and change the way that I thought about money and how much I was worth and it's not just the money. It's the self-worth, what am I worth? What is my coaching worth? I went from struggling to sell even $500 packages for coaching
and it was a lot of work. I was putting in a lot of work and reaping little to no monetary benefit. I was stressed. I was closed off and my energy was all over the place and after doing the one on one coaching with Lexi, my business took off.
I went from barely selling $1,000 packages to launching and locking down $3,000 clients regularly. I now have a fantastic multifaceted business that I love doing. And I wake up and my day is so much easier. I figured out my system, she tells you to figure out your process. And I really spent a lot of time hacking that process. And without her, I would never have even known where to start. I needed someone to start me off and show me the way who had figured it out and could say, Come with me, let's do this. Let's figure it out for you. And let's personalise it to make you the most successful you possible. So, so so so, so incredibly grateful for that insight and time and attention. And then after I was done with the one on one training, I jumped into a couple of her group training sessions which were fantastic. The Daily accountability that I got, even just from these 15 to 30 minute videos where I'm showing up I know that I have somewhere to be. It's a meeting with my coach with Lexi on the live videos, but it's really a meeting with myself. I'm checking in, I'm making sure I'm following the journal prompts and the teachings and the exercises and all of the crazy stuff that she gets me to do. It was wonderful and fantastic and I cannot thank her enough..
Lia Bliss